Monday, April 21, 2008

China's Trade Status with the US

It seems as there is trouble in the the trade market with one of the biggest exporters in the world. President Bush White House Conference stated that M.F.N trade status with China will be extended for another year. Bush says that he would never take away M.F.N, which would only hurt the chinese people themselves. To express America's outrage at the tragedy of Tiananmen, Congress and my administration have placed sanctions against China. Bush says that it is America's best interest and the interest of the Chinese people to continue trading with China, not doing so would hurt the United States. If Bush and its cabinet proceed to the sanctions or the banning of Chinese goods, it would dramatically hurt the US economy. China buys around $6 billion a year of American goods. If you lose this market with China, many Americans will lose their jobs stretching all the way from the west coast to the east. Bush says that without M.F.N 4o% of costs from Chinese imports will turn into highher prices for American consumers. Bush's cabinet is not happy with the way things are being ran in Beijing, and Honk Kong will be the innocent victim that will lose plenty more in this sanctions and maybe even ban. 20,000 jobs and $10 billion could be lost in the free enterprise city of Honk Kong. In recent weeks the rest of China have shown steps that shows that they are concerned of the way things are going.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Education Crisis

It is true that minorities have a harder time in getting a higher education. A reason being is that they don't have the money to pay for college or university. Many minorities want to go to college to further their learning, but are insted hit with the reality that higher learning is expensive. Without the help of goverment aid, it is harder for a minority to be able to say i want to go to the best university this country has to offer. I agree when you say why do only african americans or hispanics have to be stereo-typed as poor. There are many white americans that are poor that cant afford to go to college. Tuition for school's keeps rising every year, but yet the goverment is cutting back financial grants and loans. Maybe, the goverment thinks that the war is more important than the education our students receive. I believe that Texas should switch to what California is doing with their higher learning. Everyone goes to a community college for two years at no cost to the student. The only cost comes when they decide to go to a university. Texas is paying the cost, Texas is ranked in the bottom of the list for education and they still havent come up with a plan to try to fix that.